Thinning Of The Veil



Have you ever felt a sense of heightened awareness during a certain time of year?

Do you ever get the feeling that there is something beyond our physical reality, guiding us and offering support? 

If so, you may be experiencing the thinning of the veil…

What is the Thinning of the Veil?

The thinning of the veil refers to a time of year when the boundary between the physical world and the spiritual realm becomes more permeable. During this time, the energy and communication between the two realms are heightened, allowing for easier access to our connection with spirit guides, higher consciousness, and our psychic abilities.

When Does the Thinning of the Veil Occur?

The thinning of the veil is often associated with the time of year around Halloween, also known as Samhain. However, it is important to remember that the thinning of the veil can occur at different times throughout the year, depending on various factors such as planetary alignments and energetic shifts.

Let’s talk about what this can bring through and what it means for us…

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Receiving Guidance

During the thinning of the veil, many people experience a stronger connection with their Spirit Guides. Spirit Guides are beings in the spiritual realm who offer guidance, support, and wisdom for us along our spiritual journey. They can provide insights, assistance, and comfort during times of uncertainty or when seeking answers to any questions we may have.

  Divine Downloads and Intuitive Insights

During this time, we may also experience an expansion of consciousness and receive downloads of information from higher realms. Divine downloads are moments of insight, inspiration, or guidance that come through to us from the spiritual realm. They can come in the form of intuitive thoughts, ideas, sudden realisations, or a deep knowing. When the veil is thin, the flow of information from the spiritual realm to the physical world becomes expansive, allowing us to receive these divine downloads and intuitive insights more easily. It is important to remain open and receptive to these experiences, as they can provide valuable guidance and support on our spiritual path.

Activations and Heightened Psychic Abilities

As the veil thins, we may also experience activations of our psychic abilities. Psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience, allow us to perceive information beyond the physical senses. These abilities can become more pronounced during this time, enabling us to tap into our intuition further and receive valuable insights and information.

Communication with the Beyond

The thinning of the veil also facilitates communication with loved ones who have passed away. You may feel a stronger connection with your passed on loved ones during this time, as the veil between the Physical World and the Spirit World becomes thinner. It can be a comforting and healing experience to receive messages, signs, or feelings from those who have crossed over, ultimately reminding us of their continued presence in our lives.


Now we know all this, let’s talk how we can best navigate…

Navigating the Thinning of the Veil

While the thinning of the veil may seem mysterious and otherworldly, there are practical steps you can take to navigate this powerful time.
Here are some tips to help you make the most of this spiritual opportunity:

  • Set aside quiet time for reflection and meditation.
  • Keep a dream journal to capture any messages or symbols that come through during your sleep.
  • Engage in activities that raise your vibration, such as yoga, listening to frequency music or energy healing.
  • Practice grounding techniques to stay connected to the physical world.
  • Using divination practices such as tarot or pendulum work (be sure to set the appropriate protection and intentions before hand.)
  • Seek guidance from a trusted spiritual mentor, reader or practitioner.

Energetic Protection and Spirit Guides

As we explore the spiritual realm, it is essential to prioritise energetic protection. Just as we would lock our doors to keep unwanted guests out, we must shield ourselves from negative energies and entities. By calling upon our spirit guides, we can establish a protective barrier that allows only positive and loving energies to enter our space. These guides, who exist in the realm beyond the veil, are our trusted allies on our spiritual journey.

Embrace the Magic

The thinning of the veil is a time of enchantment and wonder. It is an invitation to explore the depths of your consciousness and connect with the unseen. Embrace this magical time of year and allow yourself to be open to the guidance and wisdom that awaits you.

Remember, the veil may thin for a limited time, but the connection to the spiritual realm is always available to those who seek it. By nurturing your psychic abilities and cultivating a deeper understanding of the mysteries beyond, you can continue to navigate these higher realms and connection to spirit long after the veil has thickened.


The thinning of the veil is a powerful time for spiritual connection and growth. It allows for easier communication with spirit guides, activations of psychic abilities, and the opportunity to receive guidance and information from higher realms. Embracing this time and remaining open to the possibilities can lead to profound spiritual experiences and personal transformation.

What do you enjoy about this time of the year?
Have you ever experienced mystical or other-wordly happenings during this time?

Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear!


If you would like to find out what messages are wanting to come through for you from beyond the veil, I am offering a limited personal reading for TWO WEEKS ONLY!

Click here to check this reading out and book yours!


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