Surrender To What Is - A How To…

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
— Eckhart Tolle 

Surrendering is somewhat of an art. It can take practice and it takes patience. One of the main challenges I have personally found with surrendering is resistance. Resistance to release control in order to surrender. We have to learn and train ourselves to be able to release control and let go of the need to obtain a specific outcome or solution. You probably already know how difficult this can be, and that’s why you are reading this blog! Surrendering is a push and pull process and I would just like to share that it’s okay if you haven’t mastered it yet.


For me personally, just because I surrender to one situation or challenge, it doesn’t mean that my need to control outcomes in the future has completely disappeared. When we are mastering the form of surrendering, we can swing back and forth in the ability to flow and accept. It takes work, practice and patience to completely and fully surrender going forward no matter what comes our way.


To start this, we need to get to the root of why we feel the need to control and ask ourselves some uncomfortable questions:

What are we afraid of?
What in our past took away our choice and freedom?
Do we have a trust wound?  

This is when it gets deep and we’re into the shadow work territory. It’s never easy to be in this “realm”, but it may be necessary for us to surrender more easily. When we surrender to what is and what will be, our nervous system is not heightened and that fight or flight response is not activated, at least not as strongly as it would be if we choose resistance.

This has a whole lot of benefits when it comes to our health, both physically and mentally.

 Grounding - It's importance...

My Higher Self and Spirit Team recently shared with me how important it is to be grounded in order to surrender in a more comfortable way. When we are grounded, our energy isn't scattered and it's easier to remain centered in our thoughts and the processing of what is happening in that moment. For me personally, grounding helps my racing mind and analytical brain. Our energy is balanced and therefore our perceptions are more based in rationality rather than fear and worry.


Some ways that we can surrender, let go and trust:

  • View your challenges as chances to evolve and transform - There could be something that needs to change and the universe or our higher self is wanting us to see this. Challenges can be strong catalyst’s for change and transformation. We can see this by looking back at a tough moment that lead to an eventual better path (even though it may have been a difficult journey to get there)


  • Redirection is divine intervention - often we have a vision and we can be so rigid in the moves we make, but the Universe doesn’t necessarily comply. We cannot see everything and nor are we supposed to. But Spirit can, and so it knows if there is a better outcome for us. Our human ego likes to kick and scream as it wants to keep us safe and secure in our comfort zone. but when we ask our Higher Self to step in, that is where the most unexpected magic happens. Try to enjoy the journey!


  • An opportunity to check in with yourself - Is this still really what I want? Is my life currently making me happy? It’s good to create that space to refresh our interests and goals. Sometimes we can be so focused on something that we don’t see when our inspired action has lost inspiration and we are simply pushing because it’s what we are used to doing. Have you ever been working on something and forgotten why you started? Ask yourself if this is still what your heart desires: is this still your souls passion and purpose? If the answer is no, it’s ok to move on.


  • Focus on what is thriving in your life and what you already have, not what you think you need. What connection are you grateful for; a friend, partner, animal or even your Spirit Guides or the Universe? Focus on the good around you in this moment, know that you are worthy of what you desire when the time is right, and in turn that need to control will automatically fall away.


Now that we have some clarity and understanding about surrendering, how can we make steps to practice this in our daily life?

I recommend trying to surrender to something small using the tips we talked about above (or in whichever way works for you) and gradually build on that.

We are often thrown into the deep end in life and so when you are faced with an unexpected challenge, don't forget what you have learned and put into practice any techniques you have found work for you.


.・゜゜・ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ・゜゜・.


I would love to share a meditation I have found for Surrendering that may be of help to you. This meditation is from a beautiful soul who I love to listen to when it comes to Guided Meditations. It is an incredibly powerful and relaxing meditation to release and let go and *melt* into what is.
If you would like to connect more with your body, soul and the earth, give this a try!

Let’s discuss!

✩ What are your thoughts and your own challenges or experiences with surrendering? 
✩ What have been the outcomes?

I would love to hear!

Share in the comments below, you never know who may be reading and can be helped or inspired by what you have to say...

Thank you for being here

Love & Blessings

Aura xx

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1 comment

I’ve been pulling the four of pentacles a number of times this year. I am afraid that if I lose control, I will forget important things and lose structure in my life. But a lot of the period things I worry about are out of my control anyway, so I can’t really do anything about them. I’m practicing surrendering today and it feels so good.


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